Vamos a Galapagos!
Loyal Readers,We're on a time constraint here, it's a last email check before we head off to the Galapagos early tomorrow morning - no internet for a week, eek! Big shoutouts to my peeps Mr. Smith and Baron Von Bechtolstein (he's gonna kill me for getting the spelling so bad) who have birthdays this week.
We had a lovely time in Mindo, only time to post two very familar views to us, we spent a LOT of time hanging in the hammocks in the lovely Jardin De Armonia, the first separate accomodation we've seen so far and we relished it. Mindo is lovely, veiled in clouds, very small (which we love) and somewhere you can actually get a sh*tkicking steak if you need one. We did. We weren't as intrepid as usual, just relaxing around our hostel and watching the plentiful hummingbirds. They're difficult little buggers to photograph, and I expended several megs of memory card only to get little indistinct blurs that don't really look like hummingbirds at all. They're completely mesmerising however, and I really could just sit all day watching their unnaturally mechanical movements. We lolled about in hammocks, read a lot of pages (Philip Pullman's The Amber Spyglass, a brilliant kids book and vociferous attack on organised religion, and Louis De Bernieres' Birds Without Wings, which is as sensual as he always is.)
The Galapagos beckons, so the next post will come to you from Brasilia, perhaps, as it will be a little busy when we're back from the islands, jumping straight on a plane to Brasil. Take good care of yourselves out there and we'll be in touch soon with pics of Lonesome George, Boobies (of which I hope to see an inordinate amount), and hopefully many more of the rich fauna of this unique little corner of the world.
Be good, bask in the delicious hope of Obama and be very mindful of the type of person was chosen by the republicans to be potential VP.
See you in a week or so,
Let me know when you get into Brasil and when you think you might be arriving in Floripa. After your adventures so far, I hope it's not going to be a disappointment!! Rob
Thanks for the times
That you've given me
The memories are all in my mind
And now that we've come
To the end of our rainbow
There's something
I must say out loud...
You're once, twice
Three times a lady
Yes you're once twice
Three times a lady...
...and I love you...
When we are together
The moments I cherish
With every beat of my heart
To touch you to hold you
To feel you to need you
There's nothing to keep us apart
You're once twice
Three times a lady
...and I love you...
...I love you...
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