Thursday, September 09, 2004

Jungle Fever

hgggmmmm, getting pretty hot out here, in the jungley old jungle...

What, with the hornbills, monkeys, scorpions, and thunderstorms that sound like artillery, I'm starting to get jittery. It's just me and a volleyball I call 'Julie', and every day is little more than a quest for fresh water.

My beard is coming along well tho, but I'm getting the shakes; listening for the next squadron of bats that fly up and down in front of my cabin - and it's affecting my fishing hand. If I crank the handle a little longer I can finish writing this post, but in the meantime - send more canned meat, please.




Arch, King of the Jungle*

*not endorsed by, or to be confused with the King of Rock'n'Roll, the King of Shaves, the King of Thailand, or Tomato: the King of Heat.


At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there Arch Archbold and Ms Julie! Have just caught up on your entire journey from day one and have kicked myself for not remembering your birthdays.. Miss you loads but looking forward to the fun times we'll have in Hiroshima. No heated toilet seat at home this time and no Drug Yutaka! Happy travels..

At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knock Knock

At 10:18 PM, Blogger Arch said...

Who's there?


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